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200730 | Approved with conditions | PA18/10457 | Construction of 24 new dwellings, internal shared surface access road

New Planning Application for the yard under the viaduct, opposite ASDA


Construction of 24 new dwellings, internal shared surface access road of existing traffic signalled junction and associated parking and infrastructure - Foundry Yard Carnsew Road Hayle

Ref. No: PA18/10457 | Received date: Mon 05 Nov 2018 | Status: Approved with conditions | Case Type: Planning Application


[via OCR - you are strongly advised to check the original]
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190930 | Members have asked that I reiterate the town council's original objection i.e that it breaches Hayle Neighbourhood Plan

From:Town Clerk
Sent:30 Sep 2019 15:03:34 +0100
To:Broomhead Mark;Bainbridge Peter
Cc:Coad Graham CC

Subject:PA18/10457 - Request for this application to be considered by committee

Dear Messrs Broomhead and Bainbridge

Hayle Town Council formally requests that Cornwall Council considers application  PA18/10457 by committee and not by delegated powers.

Members have asked that I reiterate the town council's original objection i.e that it breaches Hayle Neighbourhood Plan Policies SD1, SD2, SD4 and HB and confirms its supports the views of John Bennett, Chairman of Hayle Neighbourhood Plan steering Group, contained in his email to you of 6 September 2019.  read more »

191015 | PA19/08063 | Approved unconditional | Non material amendment to amend conditions 23 and 29 attached to decision notice

Non material amendment to amend conditions 23 and 29 attached to decision notice PA12/10064 so with accord with conditions 7 and 8 attached to decision notice PA17/04182 - South Quay Access To South Quay Hayle Cornwall

Ref. No: PA19/08063 | Received date: Fri 13 Sep 2019 | Status: Approved unconditional | Case Type: Planning Application

Your proposed amendment to the above planning application received on13 September 2019 as listed below has been considered under S96A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and has been determined to be non material.  read more »

190502 | Cornwall Design Review Panel Meeting: Wednesday 4 May 2016 | Strategic Planning Meeting | PA18/04577

Extracted from PDF -  please refer to original for definitive version

   read more »

190502 | Hayle Harbour S106 Summary | Strategic Planning Meeting | PA18/04577

Page 1 | Hayle Harbour S106 Summary
Page 2 | Hayle Harbour S106 Summary
Page 3 | Hayle Harbour S106 Summary
Page 4 | Hayle Harbour S106 Summary

Hayle Harbour S106 Summary

As requested by Members at the Technical Briefing a summary of the relevant S106s
is set out below.  read more »

190228 Images from Board Presentation Drop In Jewson site redevelopment 60 residential units

Proposed redevelopment of the Jewson site to include a new Jewson building and yard with redevelopment and conservation of the remaining premises to provide up to 60 residential units with associated access and open space.
Figure3 Habitats
Historic Environment
Early 19th century engraving of Hayle. The pyramidal sherlegs over the dock can be seen in this illustration, just to right of centre of the picture
Copy of 1853 plan | Carnsew Docks
Copy of 1864 plan | Carnsew Docks
Traced copy of 1876 OS map | Carnsew Docks
Extract from OS 6 Inch map surveyed 1906 | Carnsew Docks
Extract from the 1936 OS 1:2500 map | Carnsew Docks
1930s view of the front of Carnsew Cottages
1930s view of the rear of Carnsew Cottages, showing their catslide roofs, dormers and wash-houses
Early 20th century photo of Carnsew Channel and dock, with the sawmill and chimney in the background
General aerial view of Hayle harbour,c1960
Air photo of Carnsew Quay, c1963
The unusual road limekiln on Carnsew Quay, early 1960s
Harveys showroom and street frontage on Carnsew Road
The aftermath of a major fire in Harveys showroom c1970
Existing Transport & Highways Conditions
Environment Constraints
Historic Constraints
Historic Constraints Listed Buildings
Jewson Redesign

Proposed redevelopment of the Jewson site to include a new Jewson building and yard with redevelopment and conservation of the remaining premises to provide up to 60 residential units with associated access and open space.

Extracts from the Board Presentation - also available as a flipbook from

This is mostly the images with a few text extracts below


Ecology [page 28]

A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal was carried out by Tamar Ecology in May 2018

It was found that:  read more »

190215 Jewson site redevelopment 60 residential units | Planning Around Hayle

Proposed redevelopment of the Jewson site to include a new Jewson building and yard with redevelopment and conservation of the remaining premises to provide up to 60 residential units with associated access and open space.
Proposed redevelopment of the Jewson site to include a new Jewson building and yard with redevelopment and conservation of the remaining premises to provide up to 60 residential units with associated access and open space.

1824 | Sluicing and Sluice Gates

In 1769, the Cornish Copper Company made a canal of about half a mile in length from Hayle to Copper-house, to bring small vessels to the copper works; and erected small flood gates near the upper end, to keep the canal clear of sand. The harbour of Hayle before 1788, was seldom accessible to vessels of more than 70 tons burthen through the accumulation of sand on the bar, which crosses its entrance; and from the sudden shifting of the sand banks, vessels were frequently exposed to danger both in entering and in leaving the harbour. In 1788 the company carried a wear across the entrance of Phillack creek, and erected flood gates on the southern side of it. These were opened to admit the coming tide, and at high water were closed.  read more »

180320 | Approved Hayle South Quay plans include homes, restaurant and retail units and footbridge to town - Cornwall Live

Approved Hayle South Quay plans include homes, restaurant and retail units and footbridge to town

It is hoped that work will start by the end of the year  read more »

180323 | FCBS finally wins go-ahead for revised Cornish quay proposals | News | Architects Journal

APPROVED: View of South Quay head - phase 2 of the South Quay development in Hayle by Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios [March 2018]  Source: Forbes Massie
Previous iteration - image from May 2017: View of performance space - phase 2 of the South Quay development in Hayle by Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios  Source:Forbes Massie
Image from May 2017: View of South Quay head - phase 2 of the South Quay development in Hayle by Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios  Source:Forbes Massie
Image from May 2017: View of wharf houses - phase 2 of the South Quay development in Hayle by Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios  Source:Forbes Massie
Image from May 2017: View of dock - phase 2 of the South Quay development in Hayle by Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios  Source:Forbes Massie
Image from May 2017: Phase 2 of the South Quay development in Hayles by Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
Phase 2 of the South Quay development in Hayle by Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios - model
Existing view


FCBS finally wins go-ahead for revised Cornish quay proposals

Public Comments (3) | PA17/04181 | Application for the approval of Reserved Matters pursuant to hybrid permission PA12/10064 for

Mr Stephen Murley 24 Tredrea Lane St Erth TR27 6JS

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171212 | PA17/04181 Proposal: Application for the approval of Reserved Matters pursuant to hybrid permission PA12/10064 for 27 r

Andrew Turner shared a link.

Application number: PA17/04181
Proposal: Application for the approval of Reserved Matters pursuant to hybrid  read more »

Approved with conditions | PA17/04182 | Construction 270sqm floorspace A1 or A3 use 3 residential apartments - The Gatehouse


DATED: 21 December 2017
Phil Mason
Service Director Planning and Sustainable Development


 1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission.
    Reason: In accordance with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004).  read more »

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