Village News

Christmas Lights

111031 | No waiting restrictions Back Lane

Back Lane - revised no waiting zones

Received from Cornwall Council Thursday, October 28 2011

Your ref:       
    My ref:    C06312/Consult2   
    Date:    28 October 2011   

Dear Sir/Madam

Hayle, Phillack, Connor Downs and Angarrack - Waiting Restrictions

With reference to our previous correspondence regarding Back Lane, Angarrack, I am writing to confirm the outcome of the review for the above scheme.

The consultation design and all comments received during the consultation period have been reviewed by senior engineers and the decision has been made to implement this part of the scheme in amended form. The proposed No waiting at anytime restrictions will be reduced. This will provide junction protection but will also allow for on-street parking which will act as traffic calming for vehicles using Steamers Hill. Please see the attached plan showing the waiting restrictions to be implemented. The red lines show the extent of the No waiting at anytime restriction to be implemented. The green lines show the reduction in the restrictions from those that were originally proposed. 

A works package will be issued to the contractor for programming and construction as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully

Stuart Gallaway
Highways (Engineering Design Group)
Tel: 0300 1234 222

Back Lane, Angarrack-Outcome.pdf827.74 KB