Village News

Christmas Lights

Backplate Assembly - Twelve Drummers

Firstly a grey PVC backplate was made to fit inside the enclosure to mount all the equipment on (picture 5). Then the equipment layout had to be settled, which was not as easy as with the “11 Pipers” as there was a lot more to fit in a similarly sized enclosure. The backplate had been made as wide as possible to help with this, but it was now wider than the door opening so it had to be tilted sideways to get it through. In just under a week all was fixed in place on the backplate ready for wiring to commence. Picture 5 – Enclosure with Backplate cut to size and fitted
Picture 5 – Enclosure with Backplate cut to size and fitted

Contributions by GordonG

Installing Onsite - Twelve Drummers 13 years 26 weeks agoBook page
Final Fitting - Twelve Drummers 13 years 26 weeks agoBook page
Wiring the Components - Twelve Drummers 13 years 26 weeks agoBook page
First Impressions - Twelve Drummers 13 years 26 weeks agoBook page
Backplate Assembly - Twelve Drummers 13 years 26 weeks agoBook page
Sourcing the Equipment - Twelve Drummers 13 years 26 weeks agoBook page
Unit Design - Twelve Drummers 13 years 26 weeks agoBook page
Design & Equipment - Twelve Drummers 13 years 26 weeks agoBook page
The Call to Arms! - Twelve Drummers 13 years 26 weeks agoBook page
Program Chart - Twelve Drummers 13 years 26 weeks agoBook page
Bringing the Display to Life - Twelve Drummers 13 years 26 weeks agoBook page
Programming the PLC - Twelve Drummers 13 years 26 weeks agoBook page