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PA13/00432/PREAPP | Erection of four dwellings (two affordable) four garages and associated works - Land At Back Lane Angarrack

Via PA13/00432/PREAPP


Mr M Miles                                             Your ref:
10 Carnarthen Moor                               My ref: PA13/0043/PREAPP
Carn Brea                                             Date: 4 April 2013
TR15 3YQ

Dear Mr Miles

Pre-application PA13/00432/PREAPP
enquiry reference

Proposal Erection of four dwellings (two affordable) four garages and associated works
Location Land SE Of Viaduct Back Lane Angarrack Cornwall
Applicant Mr M Miles

I refer to your enquiry received on 14 February 2013 concerning the above and  would inform you that this letter is written on the basis of the information supplied  with your enquiry and the submitted drawings.

I have now undertaken a review of the site planning history and planning policy  context and I have undertaken a site visit and my comments are as follows:

Site and context:

The site is located with the village of Angarrack, nr Hayle, and is currently undeveloped  and overgrown. I am aware that historically there was a cottage on this  site; the partial remains of a building were visible at my site visit. The site is  surrounded by residential development on three sides and accessed via Back Lane.
The main physical characteristic is the substantial change in level across the site,  with the highest part of the site meeting Back Lane. There is a pedestrian access in  the south west corner of the site which provides level access on foot to the village.
The site is surrounded by a variety of properties, older cottages to the South and  newer dwellings to the west.

Relevant Constraints:

Within a large village
Part of the site within Floodzone 2 and 3
Critical Drainage Area (Hayle)
Adjacent to the viaduct (Grade II Listed)
Footpath adjacent to the site

Planning and Regeneration Service
Cornwall Council
Dolcoath Avenue Camborne Cornwall TR14 8SX


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Site Planning History:

No relevant planning history

Relevant Planning Policies:

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2012:
Section 3 Supporting a prosperous rural economy
Section 4 Promoting sustainable transport
Section 6 Delivering a Wide Choice of High Quality Homes
Section 7 Requiring good design
Section 10 Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change
Section 12 Conserving and enhancing the historic environment

Your pre-application submission has been considered against policies in the  development plan, which in this instance includes the following relevant documents.
This list includes reference to residential development and is not exhaustive but  provides a focus for the key issues against which the scheme should be considered.

Penwith Local Plan 2004:
General Development Guidance: GD-1, GD-2, GD-3, GD-4, and GD-5
Towns and Village: TV-15
Housing: H-5, H-6, H-7, H-13, H-14, H-15 and H-18
Transportation: TP-12 and TP-13

Cornwall Structure Plan 2004 Saved Policies:
1 Principles for Sustainable Development
2 Character Areas, Design & Environmental Protection
3 Use of Resources
9 Mix and Affordability of Housing
10 Location of Housing Development
26 Rural Areas
28 Accessibility

Cornwall Local Plan Pre Sub 2010-2030 (Pre-submission document March 2012)
Policy 1 Presumption in favour of sustainable development
Policy 2 Key targets and spatial strategy
Policy 6 Housing mix
Policy 8 Affordable housing
Policy 13 Design
Policy 15 Renewable and low carbon energy
Policy 22 Best use of land and existing buildings
Policy 24 Historic environment
Policy 26 Flood risk management and coastal change
Policy 27 Transport and accessibility
Policy 28 Infrastructure

Advice within the Cornwall Design Guide 1995

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Principle of the development:

The site is within the village boundary of Angarrack, a large village with limited local  services (i.e. Local Church, Pub). Whilst most journeys will be made by private motor  car, the application site is surrounded by residential development, and can be  considered to be in a sustainable location suitable for residential development. Policy
H-6 Penwith Local Plan 2004 highlights that proposals for housing development will  be permitted in Angarrack provided that the proposal is for one or two dwellings, on  a site wholly within the village which has built development on at least three sides
and does not form part of larger un-developed area. I believe that the site in  question accords with this policy and therefore would be suitable for development in  the future.

Policy 1 Cornwall Structure Plan 2004 highlights the principles of sustainable  development, and this is reflected at the heart of the National Planning Policy  Framework where a presumption in favour of sustainable development. Furthermore,  the Local Cornwall Plan 2010-2030 (Out for Consultation) reflects the way forward for
development in the future and the proposal is considered to be in-line with these  proposals too (in general terms).

Housing Need Justification and Scheme Suitability:

The Affordable Housing Team confirms that there is an identified housing need in the area of the proposed application. The Cornwall housing register currently has 593 applicants registered with a local connection to Hayle Parish (as at February 2013).
Of this, 261 households are in Bands A-D. The Affordable Housing Team (AHT) is therefore satisfied that there is sufficient local housing need in Hayle to warrant consideration of further affordable housing development as part of a mixed scheme.

The site is within the former Penwith Local Plan area, and is considered an infill site.
The proposal is to construct four dwellings on the site, which would include two large semi-detached homes for market sale, and two smaller semi-detached homes for affordable housing. The proposal should be considered in line with the provisions of the Penwith Local Plan and Supplementary Planning Guidance, in conjunction with the
requirements of the NPPF and the emerging Cornwall Local Plan.

Paragraph 8.3.45 of the Penwith Local Plan explains that a 'number of [rural] settlements' allow for a considerable amount of housing to be provided through small scale development that can be well integrated with existing small towns and villages [that] will not intrude into the surrounding countryside.' Furthermore, Policy H6 confirms that proposals for housing will be permitted in villages such as Angarrack,
provided that the proposal is for one or two dwellings on a site that has development on three sides. Previous advice from the Local Planning Authority (23 April 2010) suggested that in order to make effective use of the land, four units should be provided on the site, with 'up to three' homes provided as affordable housing. In addition, Penwith Supplementary Planning Guidance requires that 50% of units on sites within Angarrack will be sought as affordable housing. Taking all of this into consideration, the Affordable Housing Team will require two affordable homes to be provided on-site to help local families secure housing in the area. This has been proposed within the Pre-Application and therefore we will not raise an objection to the scheme.

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The affordable homes should be provided as 2 x 2-bedroom houses, as this property type is what is most required by local people. Furthermore, they should be provided to at least the HCA's Design and Quality Standards or HQI requirements, as appropriate. We would be happy to discuss suitable affordable housing tenure
options with the applicant in due course (i.e. affordable rented or affordable housing to buy), as there are other issues related to the site that may need to be addressed first. Although this is not an exception site, there are no options for local people to secure affordable housing elsewhere in the village, so we will require the units to be prioritised for households with a local connection to the parish in perpetuity.

What is defined as affordable housing?
Affordable housing is provided to house eligible households whose needs are not met by the market. This can include rented homes where the rent is subsidised to below market levels and is primarily aimed at households who cannot afford to buy. It also includes housing for sale products aimed at first time buyers and those looking to own their own home.

Affordable rented housing is rented housing let by Registered Providers of social housing (also known as housing associations). Rents charged for these homes are no more than 80% of the local market rent (including service charges). Homes are let through the housing register and so the Council will require nomination rights to
these properties.

Affordable housing to buy covers a range of different products. The full list is defined in the NPPF but can include:
*Low cost housing for sale built and sold at a discount percentage of open market value. This can be provided by Registered Providers or the private sector. In the Hayle area, this should be at no more than 70% of its Open Market Value, to ensure that it is affordable to local households;
*Homebuy (or shared ownership). This is owned and managed by Registered Providers. An initial percentage of the open market value is sold to the purchaser (between 25% and 75%). The remainder is retained by the housing association who charge rent until and unless the purchaser buys the home outright;
*Other forms of purchase include self build, homes built by a Community Land Trust or private equity loan.

Design and Quality
Affordable Housing should be indistinguishable from the general market housing in its design, materials used and form. The Council requires homes to be built and sold and it will not normally be acceptable simply to offer affordable housing plots or land.

Typically, affordable homes should be delivered in advance of open market houses although a phasing plan can be considered in certain circumstances.

Working with Registered Providers
There are a number of Registered Providers working in Cornwall to develop and manage affordable housing. Where there is a requirement for Affordable Rented housing or Homebuy, the Affordable Housing Team can provide details of these providers and facilitate discussions with them. The Council's position is that homes

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are built and sold to Registered Providers for a price that they can afford to pay without grant or subsidy.

Planning obligations (s106)
A section 106 agreement (planning obligation) will be required to secure the affordable homes for qualifying persons in perpetuity. The s106 agreement will contain provisions to control initial and future rent levels and sales values.
Occupancy of the affordable dwellings will be restricted to qualifying persons with local connections to the Parish as appropriate.

Heads of terms for a s106 agreement should be agreed with the Affordable Housing Team prior to submission and be included with an application. The Council's current s106 templates are available at the following web page:

Highways and Access:

Consideration should be given to the construction of the access road, and whilst parking provision appears to meet the adopted guidance (maximum of 2 spaces per dwelling Policy 28 Cornwall Structure Plan 2004) an adequate turning area for service vehicles to use within the site is also required. A topographical survey of site should
be included, showing all necessary levels, and this will be a starting point for considering the access -the road needs to be a minimum of 1:10 fall. Full details of all drainage and surfacing for any parking areas and access road will need to be provided. Surfacing and drainage should be adequately designed to prevent surface
water discharging on to public highway. Where access road width allows a designated footway should be provided. Where the access road width narrows, a change in surfacing of the road, to indicate shared surface with pedestrians is recommended.

A plan showing the access on to main road should be provided, clearly indicating visibility splays, with sight lines/distances achieved. This plan should also show where road and footway meet publicly adopted highway. Construction details will be required, as will liaison with Streetworks/Estate Adoptions Team in respect of any
works taking place on highway and/or sections of footway/highway to be adopted. It is acknowledged that it may be difficult to achieve ideal sightlines as the neighbouring land may not be in your ownership (and therefore out of your control).

It is considered that a starting point would be to undertake a survey of the site, to establish if a road of a suitable fall can be achieved and the necessary engineering works required facilitating a new road and retaining the rear parking area. The passing place is required to be maintained and would be conditioned to ensure it is left clear for passing on Back Lane. Once this has been undertaken you will be clear about where the 'developable areas' of the site are (*However, please see the section below on Flood risk which will also have an impact on the area suitable for development).

Flood Risk:

The southernmost corner of the site falls within Floodzones 2 and 3. This is quite a substantial part of the site and will have implications on the layout proposed. A plan is attached which approximately shows the area at risk of flooding; the general principle is to direct all development away from these areas, and where this is not

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achievable measures may be required to mitigate the flood risk (policy 3 Cornwall Structure Plan 2004 and paragraphs 99 and 100 National Planning Policy Framework 2012). It is likely that the Environment Agency would object to the development if any of the dwellings are located within Floodzones 2/3. You will need to accompany any application with a Flood Risk Assessment prepared by a specialist in this field.

Looking at your initial sketch it may be that the affordable dwellings need to be moved away from No.12. Furthermore, it may be that the pair of affordable dwellings need to be moved away from No. 12 in order to be positioned in a more neighbourly manner -depending on the road layout it may be that the single affordable dwelling can only be accommodated on this part of the site.

Design and urban form:

With regard to the proposed layout of the scheme, it would be necessary to work up detailed drawings taking into account the levels and access/retaining walls, also taking into account the Flood risk area, before a finalised layout can be achieved.

I note that elevational treatments of the proposed development have not been submitted and therefore I cannot pass comment. However, it would be necessary in designing the scheme that regard is to be had to policies within the General Development Guidance within the Penwith Local Plan 2004 together with advice within the Cornwall Design Guide 1995. The form and height of the buildings will
need to be carefully considered and it would be helpful to have some contextual information (i.e. site sections and information with regard to the heights of surrounding buildings).


Full details should accompany any planning application that may be submitted indicating the method of foul and surface water treatment to serve the development being proposed.

Contaminated land:

Given the existing land use and nature of the proposal, a Sensitive Development Questionnaire (SDQ) will be required with any associated application. This forms part of the Councils Validation requirements. The SDQ can be downloaded at: A non interpretative environmental report must also be submitted and can be purchased from online search companies.

Impact on adjacent residential amenity:

With regard to the impact on adjacent residential amenity, I note that there are a number of dwellings which adjoin the site which have historically enjoyed views across the un-developed site. Whilst these properties are not entitled to a view, an un-neighbourly relationship with the neighbour would be considered unfavourably.

As suggested above the current siting close to No. 12 is considered to be a concern, and the parking area behind No. 13-16 could also cause undue disturbance depending on the proximity and number of parking spaces in the final layout.

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Any detailed design would need to carefully consider window positions and distances to neighbours -windows which are directly facing are usually required to have a minimum distance of 21m between them. There may be ways of overcoming an unneighbourly
relationship by designing out the problem (e.g. the use of fixed and
obscured glazing, high level glazing or no windows at all).

Community engagement:

As noted above, it is strongly recommended that you discuss your proposal with the Local Council for the area and, I would suggest, the Divisional Member to gauge their opinion on your scheme. You may also wish to consider discussing your proposal with the owners/occupants of the dwellings that neighbour this site, when you have worked the scheme up further.

Building Regulations:

Cornwall Council's Building Control Service is pleased to offer a free initial pre-application advice service for all your development enquiries. Building Control can advise whether a Building Regulations application is likely to be required for your proposal, can give valuable time-saving guidance on how to meet the requirements of The Building Regulations and can suggest possible ways of resolving any notable issues prior to you submitting any formal Planning Permission applications that may be required. Building Control's Extended Services team can offer SAP, SBEM and Air-
Permeability Testing Services, as well as access to warranties and other related services.

The Building Control surveyors covering your area can be contacted at Building Control, Cornwall Council, Circuit House, Pydar Street, Truro. TR1 1EB, by phone on 01872 224383 or by email at:

For Information:

Supporting documents which would be required at application stage (Please note this list may not be exhaustive):

The Standard Application Form
The Location Plan
Site Survey and Existing Sections
A Block Plan, Layout Plan and Elevation Drawings plus proposed Section plans Contextual Information (Contextual Elevations, Ridge heights, Neighbouring Ridge Heights etc)
Ownership Certificates
Agricultural Holdings Certificate
The correct fee
Land Contamination Report and Sensitive Development Questionnaire
Drainage Details
Affordable housing assessment including financial appraisal and full viability
Design and Access Statement
Flood Risk Assessment and Details of proposed surface water drainage management proposals bearing in mind the context of the site partly within Flood Zones 2 and 3, and a Critical Drainage Area.

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In conclusion, I consider that the site would, in principle, be acceptable for residential development, including an element of affordable housing. However, as noted above, the proposal would need to be revisited and worked up to address the issues raised
in this letter.

These views are officers own. Any advice given by Council officers for pre-application enquiries does not indicate a formal decision by the Council as local planning authority. Any views or opinions expressed are given in good faith, and to the best of ability, without prejudice to the formal consideration of any planning application following statutory public consultation, the issues raised and evaluation of all available information.

You should therefore be aware that officers cannot give guarantees about the final formal decision that will be made on your planning or related applications. However, the advice issued will be considered by the Council as a material consideration in the determination of future planning related applications, subject to the proviso that circumstances and information may change or come to light that could alter the position. It should be noted that the weight given to pre-application advice notes will decline over time.

You should note that this letter does not constitute a formal decision by the Council (as local planning authority). It is only an officer’s opinion given in good faith, and without prejudice to the formal consideration of any planning application. However, the advice note issues will be considered by the Council as a material consideration in
the determination of future planning related applications, subject to the proviso that circumstances and information may change or come to light that could alter the position. It should be noted that the weight given to pre-application advice notes will decline over time.
Yours sincerely

Mrs Laura Potts

Principal Development Officer
Planning and Regeneration Service
Tel: 01872 224342


Erection of four dwellings | Status: Closed - advice given | Cas

Erection of four dwellings (two affordable) four garages and associated works - Land SE Of Viaduct Back Lane Angarrack Cornwall

Ref. No: PA13/00432/PREAPP | Status: Closed - advice given | Case Type: Application

Erection of four dwellings

Erection of four dwellings (two affordable) four garages and associated works - Land SE Of Viaduct Back Lane Angarrack Cornwall

Ref. No: PA13/00432/PREAPP | Received date: Thu 14 Feb 2013 | Status: Pending Decision | Case Type: Application

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