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PA13/01136/PREAPP Grist Lane June 2013 | Planning Proposal

Hayle Town Council have been approached about a planning application for Grist Lane. 

If anyone has any comments on these plans (please note this is a preapplication proposal) they are invited to contact
   Brian Capper
   Sweetlarks, 25 Riverside, Angarrack, Hayle, TR27 5JD
   01736 753838
   Mobile: 07753 814999


   Hayle Town Council Clerk Eleanor Giggal 
   Hayle Community Centre, 58 Queensway, Hayle, TR27 4NX
   Town Mayor: Jayne Ninnes • Town Clerk: Eleanor Giggal
   Tel/Fax: 01736-755005 • Email:

From: Edel <>

Date: 25 June 2013 13:01
Subject: RE: Grist Lane Hayle
To: Hayle Town Clerk <>

Dear Ms Giggal,

Further to our telephone conversation please find attached details of our proposals.

We are appointed by the owner of the area of land on the west of Angarrack, between Grist Lane to the north and Hatch’s Hill to the south.  The church on Grist Lane abuts this land.

We are retained to consider a modest extension of the Marsh Lane Industrial Estate into the land, to provide two 350sqm commercial buildings.  I attach our drawing showing this proposal , which you will note allows for the buildings to be set down into the land and screened by embankments.

The second part of the proposal is to provide 3 dwellings to the east of the land adjacent to, and incorporating, the existing dwelling at 5 Grist Lane and the approved dwellings 09/1364P, using a common access road and entrance next to the Church, all as shown on the attached drawing.  The land between the two parts will remain as open space.  The height of the proposed dwellings will be below the roof level of Chyryn on Hatch’s Hill and will not be visible from Hatch’s Hill or from the village, which is achieved by reducing the site levels to within 1.0m of the site and at 5 Grist Lane.  The existing steep narrow drive to 5 Grist Lane will become a pedestrian link and to from the village.

As part of the development it is proposed to provide and safe, illuminated highway footpath from the church to the retail park and in addition to provide car parking for the church.  This will serve to enhance  the sustainability of Angarrack itself and I hope will accord with the needs of the village.

I look forward to your reply.

Click on the thumbnails below to see larger pictures






5 Grist Lane plans

Decision letter 29/05/2013 | PA13/01136/PREAPP


ADA Architects Your ref:
Winter Lodge My ref: PA13/01136/PREAPP
Sudbury Road Date: 29 May 2013
Dear Sir/Madam
Pre-application PA13/01136/PREAPP
enquiry reference

Proposal Erection of three dwellings and industrial development
Location Land SE Of Unit 24 Marsh Lane Industrial Estate Hayle Cornwall
Applicant Mr G M Orr

I refer to your enquiry received on 22 April 2013 concerning the above and would inform you that this letter is written on the basis of the information supplied with your enquiry and the submitted drawings.

Thank-you for your response to my letter of the 21st January 2013 in regard to the previous pre-application enquiry reference PA12/03650 for three industrial units and 10 dwellings on land between Angarrack and the Marsh Lane Industrial Estate.

I welcome the reduction in numbers of proposed dwellings from ten to three, however the form and scale of the dwellings is likely to result in the development being read as a cluster of more than three dwellings. The development, whilst not breaking the skyline will still be visible from Carwin Rise and the Towans within the context of the Open Area which is designated as such by Penwith Local Plan policy TV2 as noted in my letter of the 21st January. I agree that the smaller numbers of dwellings will have a far smaller visual impact than the previous proposal, however this proposal will still result in a significant intrusion into the upper part of the Open Area and an erosion of the quality of the Open Area.

I do not agree with your point at paragraph three of your letter of the 19th April that there is a ribbon of development along Grist Lane. Viewing the Ordnance Survey map of Angarrack shows dwellings facing onto Grist Lane with larger detached dwellings at a higher level to the rear, again orientated to face Grist Lane, these dwellings are enclosed by the landform and only visible from within the village. The dwellings at the higher level represent a form of development which reflects the expansion outwards and upwards from the village core which is centred around the crossroads.
Chyryn and its neighbour are visible from the wider area and their siting is possibly less integrated with the village than the dwellings immediately to the east at a lower level but not to an extent that results in ribbon development.

Planning, Housing and Regeneration Service
Cornwall Council
Dolcoath Avenue Camborne Cornwall TR14 8SX


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29 May 2013

The proposal for a footpath on Grist Lane would provide a benefit in regard to improving pedestrian safety in providing a link to the proposed industrial units which in turn provides a link into the industrial estate. Also welcomed is the proposal for a link to the village. As noted in my previous letter the route through the industrial estate is unlikely to be seen as an attractive route to the retail stores at the West Cornwall Retail Park and local trips by car are more likely to occur. I am not aware of any new proposals by Sainsbury to develop the site since they were refused consent in 2010 and in the absence of evidence to the contrary, I remain unconvinced that the retail units at Marsh Lane will be attractive for top up shopping trips which would compensate for the existing lack of a local shop within the village.
Having viewed the site layout for planning permission 09/1364, this does not reflect the layout on Drawing 300/101 and you should be certain that a footpath can be accommodated which does not interfere with the residential amenities of the occupants of the consented dwelling.

In regard to the proposed three industrial units, these appear to have increased in scale from the earlier proposal and there also appears to be a consequent increase in land taken and excavation required to create a level site. I am concerned that an excavation which would create the 4 metre bank indicated on plan will firstly result in a significant feature which will be visible from a distance and secondly that the amount of material to be removed to create the development site is in itself an unsustainable form of development given that there is no apparent essential need for new industrial units in the locality which would justify the visual impact of the landscaping. My letter of the 21st January at the penultimate paragraph accepts the employment benefits but notes that any development other than a minor intrusion of low visual impact is unlikely to be supported. As such the proposal for the three larger units, irrespective of landscaping is unlikely to receive support. The excavation works which will create a significant artificial feature in combination with the proposed scale of industrial development are considered to have the potential for a significant harmful visual impact and intrusion into the Open Area and are unlikely to be supported.

Affordable housing is a critical issue which has yet to be addressed as part of the proposal. Since my letter of January the Cornwall Local Plan has completed its initial consultation and its policies are now material considerations and carry weight where they clearly accord with the aims of the National Planning Policy Framework. As noted in my letter in January the site is outside the village which has a clear development boundary in this location further defined by the designated Open Area which is a clear direction of where the village boundary is located. There have been no policy changes which would result in a planning view that the site is anything other than in the countryside and any development represents an expansion of the village into the countryside.

The potential for residential development would, under the current policy, would only be supported if it is 100% affordable housing, or meets the requirements of strategic policy 9 of the Cornwall Local Plan which makes provision for cross subsidy via open market housing where:

i) It can demonstrate it meets a local need for housing;

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29 May 2013

ii) The Council is satisfied it is essential for the successful delivery of the development. (For example to fund abnormal development costs or to deliver a balanced, sustainable community);
iii) It has the support of the local community measured by the level of support received from the local council, a positive outcome from a local referendum or where there is evidence that it is a community led proposal; and
iv) Market housing does not represent more than 50% of the homes or 60% of the land take, excluding infrastructure and services.

This policy approach reflects the existing policy H15 of the Penwith Local Plan in regard to exceptions sites and accords with the aims at the National Planning Policy Framework in regard to meeting local housing needs. The current evidence base shows that there is a significant local need for affordable housing and that one and two bedroom homes are most needed with there being a lesser demand for three bedroom homes. The indicative design for the housing does not appear to meet this local need and is unlikely to be supported. I remain unconvinced that the village represents a sustainable location for new housing and that the negative impacts of the proposal are not outweighed by the benefits.

Should you wish to pursue housing development then the best option appears to be for affordable housing which meets a local need for residents already living in the locality who will already travel locally by car. The benefit of an affordable housing scheme with community support has potential to outweigh the negative visual and trip generation by car aspects of developing the site. I recommend that a discussion is held with the Parish Council to gain an indication of whether community support is
likely to be forthcoming and if so what scale of development will be supported and if a cross subsidised scheme is acceptable if viability is an issue. Should this discussion be positive then the Council's Affordable Housing Team will be in a position to advise on the details of an affordable housing scheme.

You should note that this letter does not constitute a formal decision by the Council (as local planning authority). It is only an officer’s opinion given in good faith, and without prejudice to the formal consideration of any planning application. However, the advice note issues will be considered by the Council as a material consideration in the determination of future planning related applications, subject to the proviso that circumstances and information may change or come to light that could alter the position. It should be noted that the weight given to pre-application advice notes will decline over time.

Yours faithfully

Jeremy Content

Senior Development Officer
Planning, Housing and Regeneration Service
Tel: 01209 614064

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29 May 2013

PA13/01136/PREAPP Status: Closed - advice given

According to Cornwall Council Planning Portal
Reference: PA13/01136/PREAPP
Alternative Reference: N/A
Application Received: 22 Apr 2013
Address: Land SE Of Unit 24 Marsh Lane Industrial Estate Hayle Cornwall
Proposal: Erection of three dwellings and industrial development
Status: Closed - advice given
Appeal Status:  
Appeal Decision:  

Heard that there was to be a

Heard that there was to be a presentation to the village in the Community Centre Fri Sep 13

Also heard that the developers have 'backed off' so not sure now whether presentation/meeting happening or not....

There doesn't seem to be any mention of it in the last minutes on the council website which are - currently - 4 July 2013, Minutes of Full Council


For more information see Cornwall Council Planning portal search for PA13/01136/PREAPP


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From: Edel

Sent: 07/05/2013 11:00:13

To: Cornwall Planning

Subject: Land at Grist Lane Hayle PA/13/01136/PREAPP For the attention of Mr Jeremy Content

Dear Mr Content,

In respect of our pre-application enquiry I advise agreement has now been reached with the owner of 5 Grist Lane, to provide a new vehicular access to both that property and the dwelling approved as reference 09/1364, subject of course to planning being granted for our proposed development. In return for this access, it is agreed that the present driveway to 5 Grist Lane will provide a pedestrian link to the village, for the benefit of our site.

This should satisfy your concern in respect of a link to the village and further, in effect, it will include the existing and proposed site within our application, as land edged in blue. If this is successful we would make an application for the naming and numbering of our site to also include the two dwellings.

David Alton
ADA Architects
Winter Lodge
Sudbury Road
t. 01787 475 688

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