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PA13/03138/PREAPP | Erection of two dwellings - Mellanoweth House 17 Back Lane Angarrack Hayle Cornwall | Planning Application


Reference: PA13/03138/PREAPP
Alternative Reference: N/A
Application Received: 23 Oct 2013
Address: Mellanoweth House 17 Back Lane Angarrack Hayle Cornwall TR27 5JE
Proposal: Erection of two dwellings
Status: Pending Consideration

Important Dates

Application Validated Date: 23 Oct 2013
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Last Advertised In Press Date:  
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Decision Issued Date:  
Determination Deadline: 04 Dec 2013


Mr Glen English
13 Curnows Road
TR27 4RZ

Erection of two dwellings - Mellanoweth House 17 Back Lane Angarrack
Location - Mellanoweth House 17 Back Lane Angarrack
Aerial - Mellanoweth House 17 Back Lane Angarrack

Closed - advice given | cannot offer support for dwellings

Erection of two dwellings - Mellanoweth House 17 Back Lane Angarrack Hayle Cornwall TR27 5JE

Ref. No: PA13/03138/PREAPP | Received date: Wed 23 Oct 2013 |

Status: Closed - advice given | Case Type: Application

Decision Letter17/12/2013

Mr G English                                       Your ref: 
13 Curnows Road My ref: PA13/03138/PREAPP Hayle
Cornwall TR27 4RZ
                                                         Date:            17 December 2013 
Dear Mr English 
Pre-application          PA13/03138/PREAPP enquiry reference
Proposal Erection of two dwellings
Location Mellanoweth House 17 Back Lane Angarrack Hayle
Applicant                  Mr G English 

I refer to your enquiry received on 23 October 2013 concerning the above and would inform you that this letter is written on the basis of the information supplied with your enquiry and the submitted drawings.

Site and context:
The site comprises an area of vegetated land that is located at Back Lane, Angarrack. The site is shown as being within the grounds of Mellanoweth House which is located to the east of the site. Back Lane comprises a narrow lane that serves a number of residential dwellings and is a no through road for vehicular traffic, there is a small turning area at the entrance of Mellanoweth House. The application site is at the western edge of the grounds of Mellanoweth House and is overgrown such that it is more rural in appearance.

Critical Drainage Area
Railway line within 200m

Site Planning History:
None relevant

Proposal summary:
The proposal is for the erection of two dwellings on a plot of land to the western edge of the site adjoining onto Back Lane and to the south-east of the railway viaduct. The submitted plans show each plot measuring 12 metres by 48 metres with dwellings positioned to the front (south-west) of each plot, a new access track is shown serving the two dwellings leading from Back Lane. No other details in respect of proposed design, scale or landscaping have been submitted at this stage.

Relevant Planning Policies:
Your pre-application submission has been considered against local and national policies, which in this instance includes the following relevant documents. This list is not exhaustive but provides a focus for the key issues against which the scheme should be considered.

The National Planning Policy Framework 2012
o Section 4 - Promoting sustainable transport
o Section 6 - Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes
o Section 7 - Requiring good design

Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010-2030 - Pre-submission document - March 2013
o Policy 1 Presumption in favour of sustainable development
o Policy 2 Key targets and spatial strategy
o Policy 3 Role and function of places
o Policy 13 Design
o Policy 14 Development standards
o Policy PP2 Hayle and St Ives CAN

Penwith Local Plan 2004
GD1 Integration of development with surroundings
GD2 Design and layout of development
GD5 Requirements for safe movement of traffic
H2 Intensification of residential Use
H8 New dwellings outside of Towns and Villages
H18 Design and layout of residential development

Supplementary Planning Guidance:
Cornwall Design Guide

Principle The site is situated in the village of Angarrack such that the Penwith Local Plan 2004 policy H6 is most relevant as the village of Angarrack is Listed. The policy states that proposals for one or two dwellings will be permitted provided the site is wholly within the village which has built development on at least three sides and does not form part of a larger undeveloped area.

The site is on the north side of back lane and in this location is rural in character and as such is different in character to the south of Back Lane which is more developed and residential in appearance. It is considered that while there is a dwelling to the east this is a detached dwelling that is visibly outside of the developed area, as such it is considered that the site would not be suitable for additional dwellings as it is not bordered on three sides by existing development.

While the site is on the edge of the village it is considered that the site is not suitable for affordable housing as there is no existing development adjoining the land to the northern and south-western sides of the site such that it will be seen as development into the countryside, while there is the existing dwelling of Mellanoweth House to the east this is over 70 metres away such that it is not a site that we could encourage to bring forward for affordable housing. Outside of villages Policy H8 of the Penwith local Plan is relevant and states that new dwellings outside of the towns and villages will not be permitted unless the proposal is for an essential need to live on site such as an agricultural worker or if it is the subdivision of an existing non-residential building or barn conversion. As such the proposal to site a dwelling in this location conflicts with policy H8. Therefore I cannot offer support for dwellings in this location.

Design and Visual Impact
No design details have been submitted but there is some concern with a dwelling in this location in principle and given the more rural character for this location it is considered that two dwellings in this location may lead to an erosion of the character of the area.

Highway Safety
The site is accessed via the existing highway of Back Lane which is a narrow single lane with limited space for passing. The proposal seeks to install a new access lane to serve the dwellings. Given the site and setting any new dwelling could accommodate off-street parking and turning in order to prevent any impacts upon the highway. There is also space to accommodate a passing space in order to serve Back Lane to help alleviate potential traffic issues. It is considered that subject to appropriate measures the site will not impact upon highway safety.

Residential Amenity
The site has enough space in order to accommodate dwellings in order to provide suitable amenity space provision and there is enough distance between the existing and proposed dwellings that subject to appropriate positioning it is considered the proposal would not lead to any unnecessary impacts upon the amenities of adjacent occupiers.

In summary it is considered that the site does not comprise an appropriate site for additional housing given the sites location in relation to the settlement of Angarrack, therefore I cannot offer support in relation to the submission of a planning application.

Community Engagement
If you do decide to submit an application it would be advisable to contact the immediate neighbours in order to discuss the proposal. In addition you are advised to contact the parish council to discuss your proposal with them, they may be able to offer advice as to whether your scheme would be supportable by them or raise any likely objections to the development.

Supporting Documents

At least the following information will be required to validate a planning application:

Planning application form
Ownership certificates
Agricultural holding certificate
The correct fee
Site location plan
Block plan
Floor Plans
Design and Access Statement
Contaminated Land Survey

The full validation list can be found on the Councils website via the following link:

I trust this information is of use. However, please be aware that this advice only constitutes an officer's opinion. Any advice given by Council officers for pre- application enquiries does not indicate a formal decision by the Council as local planning authority. Any views or opinions expressed are given in good faith, and to the best of ability, without prejudice to the formal consideration of any planning application following statutory public consultation, the issues raised and evaluation of all available information.

You should therefore be aware that officers cannot give guarantees about the final formal decision that will be made on your planning or related applications. However, the advice issued will be considered by the Council as a material consideration in the determination of future planning related applications, subject to the proviso that circumstances and information may change or come to light that could alter the position. It should be noted that the weight given to pre-application advice notes will decline over time.

Please contact the Councils Building Control Section concerning any consent that may be required under the Building Regulations.

You should note that this letter does not constitute a formal decision by the Council (as local planning authority). It is only an officer’s opinion given in good faith, and without prejudice to the formal consideration of any planning application. However, the advice note issues will be considered by the Council as a material consideration in the determination of future planning related applications, subject to the proviso that circumstances and information may change or come to light that could alter the position. It should be noted that the weight given to pre-application advice notes will decline over time.

Yours sincerely

Martin Jose

Development Officer
Planning, Housing and Regeneration Service

Mr Brian Charles (Objects)

Mr Brian Charles (Objects)

Comment submitted Sun 08 Dec 2013

I don't think that Back Lane can handle the additional traffic. 4 bedroom houses?, could be 8 drivers per household plus delivery drivers and visitors. The junction of Back Lane to Steamers Hill is a bad place. The left hand side is unuseable because of the camber (most of my vehicles over the years have grounded on this side, it is also dangerous when wet). The junction is blind because you are on the wrong side of the lane and compounded by parked cars on Steamers Hill. There is a dangerous predicament when cars try to turn into Back Lane meet cars leaving Back Lane. I object to residents who do not live in my immediate area having parking spaces in my immediate area.

Comments as of 8th November

Comments as of 8th November

Mr John McKenna (Objects)

Comment submitted Mon 04 Nov 2013

I live directly opposite the proposed site and completely 100% object. There are a number of reasons why this development cannot take place: 1. Construction - during the construction this will impact directly and greatly on all those living in Back Lane, a very restricted one-track lane. How would the construction take place? Where would residents put their own vehicles during this time? Getting up and down Back Lane would be a logistical, noisy, messy and unwanted nightmare! 2. Environmental - There are big trees here, they contain an established Rookery and support a great deal of other wildlife including owls which we enjoy hearing in the evenings...these would have to find alternative habitat, which is sadly declining across the county. Chopping down large trees, an established woodland, to make way for two houses is wrong and should not be allowed to take place! Also, Angarrack is in a flood zone.....take away the trees and the amount of water we receive on an annual basis would wash the land away, straight down to our houses!!!!!! 3. Occupants - how many bedrooms would these two homes comprise of? I assume a minimum of 2 bedrooms which is potentially 4 adults. If they are all of driving age this is a potential of 8 extra cars in total that would be using Back Lane. Considering the restricted access to Back Lane, this extra usage is, in my mind, completely unacceptable and utterly ridiculous. This development is absolutely unacceptable.

Mrs Maureen Scales (Objects)

Comment submitted Sun 03 Nov 2013

This site contains a rookery and woodland and how on earth will they fell the large trees - our row of cottages are in the vicinity. We were led to believe that no more building work would be allowed beyond the viaduct. Back Lane is narrow and could not take heavy vehicles coming and going. Parking is non existent! Country life would be greatly spoilt! This all would drastically effect the lives of the residents living here.


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