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200817 | Nearly 5,000 Cornish badgers are about to be shot

Nearly 5,000 Cornish badgers are about to be shot and there is nothing the Prime Minister, his wife, or Cornwall Council can do about it

Posted By Rashleigh MacFarlane on 17th August 2020

By Rashleigh MacFarlane  read more »

200724 | Ground-breaking bovine TB cattle vaccine trials given the go-ahead

Ground-breaking bovine TB cattle vaccine trials given the go-ahead

A cattle vaccine could spell the beginning of the end of controversial badger culling  read more »

150301 | Cornwall Wildlife Trust support badger vaccination as the best option for Cornwall

Cornwall Wildlife Trust support badger vaccination as the best option for Cornwall and have begun our vaccination programme on our North Cornwall nature reserves, as well as the West Cornwall vaccination programme, covering the entire Penwith peninsula. We work with farmers, vets, academics and others as part of the Cornwall TB Eradication Group, a group initiated by Defra.

Badger Vaccination - The Science  read more »


Penwith's badgers

191014 | Badger Cull making TB worse!

Cull making TB worse!

Badger cull 'made TB crisis worse'

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150301 | Badger vaccination | Zoological Society of London (ZSL)

Badger vaccination


ZSL is researching

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