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190924 | Police cars in west Cornwall get life-saving defibrillators

Police cars in west Cornwall get life-saving defibrillators

Police cars in west Cornwall get life-saving defibrillators

Published by Sarah Yeoman at 12:34pm 24th September 2019. (Updated at 8:00pm 24th September 2019)

Police cars in west Cornwall are now equipped with life-saving defibrillators - thanks to the latest donation from a local charity.

Officers across the Duchy now have 23 of the machines that deliver an electric shock to restart someone's heart.

Front Line Emergency Equipment Trust [FLEET] raises money for equipment for all services who provide emergency medical support to the public in Cornwall.

The donation was thanks to 19 London Marathon runners who raised more than £55,000 for the charity’s Community Police Car project this year.

The new machines have been installed in community police cars in Truro, Camborne, Helston, Falmouth and Penzance.

A further 10 machines were presented to police by the runners earlier this year and they have been installed in cars in St Austell.

Last year’s London Marathon runners provided the essential machines for police cars in Newquay, Bodmin, Launceston and Liskeard.

"It was a great pleasure to accept 23 defibrillators on behalf of West Cornwall police. Our officers attend a wide variety of incidents, some of which are accidents or members of the public suffering a medical episode such as cardiac arrest.

"Our paramedic colleagues in the ambulance service are the experts when it comes to medical emergencies but it is inevitable that there will be occasions when police officers are first on the scene. Some conditions require early access to a defibrillator which really can make the difference between life and death.

"The achievement of the marathon runners is absolutely incredible and the defibrillators have now been placed in police vehicles across West Cornwall, enabling us to help people in our community when they need it most. On behalf of West Cornwall police I would like to say thank you."

Camborne Sector Inspector, Billy McWhirter

The latest donation means that community police cars in Cornwall now carry a Cardiac Science G5 Defibrillator for officers to be able to give life-saving treatment in an emergency.

FLEET was formed by Cornish ambulance staff and has provided vital equipment for frontline ambulances, motorbikes, helicopters, community responders, public access defibrillators and many more.

It has raised more than £3 million since it formed in 1990 thanks to support from local people, businesses and organisations.

"We are delighted to help our police colleagues and know that they will always do their best to preserve life until the ambulance arrives. We believe and we know that early defibrillation is so essential for a person in cardiac arrest.

"Providing defibrillators for police cars in Cornwall has put another 83 defibrillators into our community as well as our Community Public Access Defibrillators."

Norman Trebilcock, General Manager of FLEET


