Village News

Christmas Lights

May, 2022

The evening delivery of letters extended to outlying villages of Ventonleague, Angarrack, Guilford and High-lanes

Date: 1888-10-25
135 years ago
PHILLACK. At the request of the Local Board the evening delivery
of letters has been extended to the outlying villages of
Ventonleague, Angarrack, Guilford, and High-lanes, and
will be a great accommodation to these places. A pillar-
box, which will be cleared three times a day, has been
placed at Ventonleague thus saving tbe journey of half
a mile to the Copperhouse Post-office.

 Royal Cornwall Gazette - Thursday 25 October 1888

220301 | UK overrules scientific advice lift ban on bee-harming pesticide, Eustice not "rule out completely risk to bees"

To minimise risks to bees, George Eustice says that farmers will be forbidden from growing flowering plants for 32 months after the sugar beet crop.
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220211 | Will banned bee-killing pesticides become the new norm? | Secretary of State ignoring expert advice

Will banned bee-killing pesticides become the new norm?

Friday 11 February 2022
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220505 | Prices at 'value brand' Tory minister's family farm shop dwarf supermarket rates George Eustice is 'trustee of family'

Prices at 'value brand' Tory minister's family farm shop dwarf supermarket rates

George Eustice is a 'trustee of a family discretionary will trust which owns shares' in a Cornish fruit and veg farm - which sells products at higher rates than supermarkets  read more »