Village News

Christmas Lights

191201 | December 2019 and January 2020 | Council Corner

Council Corner

December 2019 and January 2020

Free Parking for Christmas
Shopping on Saturdays

Once again, it will be free to park in
Cornwall Council car parks on
Saturdays in the lead up to
Christmas. From Saturday 30
November 2019 to 21 December
2019 it will be free to park in the
Commercial Road and Foundry
Square car parks. Cornwall Council
has generously committed to one
free Saturday and Hayle Town
Council has agreed to provide a
further three. This year the town
council has agreed to cover the
costs of hiring the Cornwall Council
car parks to encourage people into
Hayle and to support the local
shops. We hope you enjoy your
shopping and we wish you all a
Merry Christmas.

Council Vacancy

We have a council vacancy for
South Ward. More information is on
the council’s website. If you would
like to get involved and take an
active role in shaping the future of
Hayle, please contact the Clerk,
details below, to have an informal
chat to find out what is involved.

Budget and Precept

It is that time of year when the
Council sets the budgets and
precept for the financial year 2020-

2021. There is now so much to
consider, due to the ever-increasing
number of services that the Town
Council provides, that several
meetings are required to debate the
financial implications for the services
and facilities for the forthcoming

Current Projects

The council’s staff are currently
working on several projects. These
include developing the plot of land
near the allotments in Lethlean Lane
into a cemetery, extending the car
park provision at Hayle Community
Centre for its tenants and users,
upgrading the car park on King
George V Memorial Walk and
exploring options to safeguard the
car park for users of the Walk and
the swimming pool, continuing to
participate in the Community
Governance Review and
implementing a programme of works
to enhance the library, which was
transferred to us early this year. This
list is not exhaustive and it is in
addition to the many routine and
ongoing projects/schemes that we
work on and the services we deliver.

Events Next Year

The council is considering what it can

do to mark the 75th anniversary of
VE Day on 8 May 2020. The council
has asked that we liaise with local
organisations to see if there are any
plans already afoot for the weekend
of 8 – 10 May 2020. If you are of
any way planned celebrations or
have any ideas please do not
hesitate to get in touch.

As you probably know, the Tour of
Britain cycling event will be going
through Hayle on Sunday 6
September 2020. The town council
has agreed to support and promote
the event in any way it can by
working with the event promoters
and Cornwall Council. This may
include putting on additional
activities or assisting with the
provision of marshals on the day.
We’ll keep you in the loop as plans
are worked up and you may be
asked to get involved.

Christmas Opening

The town council office will close on
Tuesday 24 December 2019 and
reopen on Thursday 2 January
2018. Emails will be checked. Any
issues relating to the public
conveniences or open spaces
should be reported to CORMAC via
0300 1234 100 or 0300 1234 222.

Hayle Town Council
Hayle Community Centre
58 Queensway, Hayle TR27 4NX
01736 755005
Office hours 9.30am – 12.30pm
Remember – Politicians and nappies
should be changed often, and for
the same reason.