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200901 | Great Western Railway emergency agreement extended All revenue and cost risks will be held by the Government until at

Great Western Railway emergency agreement extended

All revenue and cost risks will be held by the Government until at least June 2021

 GWR operate the majority of rail services in Devon and Cornwall (Image: Richard Sulzman)

The Government has extended its Emergency Measures Agreement with Great Western Railway (GWR) - one of the main rail franchises serving Devon and Cornwall.

All revenue and cost risks from GWR will continue to be held by the Government until at least June 2021, the train operator’s parent company has announced.

FirstGroup has welcomed the Department for Transport’s decision to extend GWR’s Emergency Measures Agreement (EMA).

EMAs were introduced for all of Britain’s rail franchises in March to keep trains running despite the collapse in demand caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Chief executive Matthew Gregory said: “This demonstrates the essential nature of GWR’s services to the communities it serves, and provides important clarity and continuity for our customers, employees and wider stakeholders.

“Across the network we are increasing service levels to provide more capacity as schools recommence and work and leisure facilities reopen, and we are taking all necessary steps to ensure our passengers continue to travel safely.”