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170821 | Hayle Harbour | Pirate FM - News - WATCH: Reports of sewage in Cornwall sea

WATCH: Reports of sewage in Cornwall sea

tankers at hayle

3:42pm 21st August 2017

People in Hayle claim sewage has ended up in the sea after a pipe burst at a nearby pumping station.

It comes after tankers were spotted ferrying waste to the treatment works on Friday.


South West Water says some overflows will kick out in heavy rain, as it cannot be taken by the tankers.

Bosses told Pirate FM the discharges have been cleared with the Environment Agency and repairs should be finished by the end of Monday.

Video: Ken Townend

A South West Water spokesperson said: "South West Water contractors have fixed the rising main from East Quay sewage pumping station, which burst within the grounds of Hayle Sewage Treatment Works.

"The repairs were finished on Friday night but to allow the concrete to set, the pipe will not be back in service until Monday.

"The burst occurred on Friday 12 August, but the affected pipe was under 800 tonnes of earth which had to be removed before the repair could commence.

"Whilst the repair is in progress, sewage from the Hayle catchment is being transported to Hayle Sewage Treatment Works by a fleet of nine tankers.

"The tankers are currently keeping up with incoming flows however during significant rainfall Combined Sewer Overflows in the area will discharge excess flows which cannot be taken by tankers.

"This is within the permitted consent of the Sewage Pumping Station as agreed with the Environment Agency.

"Contractors are on site today (Monday) starting a soft test flow. Should be up and running by end of today."

The situation has been met with disappointment from residents and beach goers.


Steve, a local rep for charity Surfers Against Sewage, told Pirate FM his advice on what to do if there is sewage in the water.

He said: ""The main concern with raw sewage entering the water is pathogens, which are not that good for the human body to be consuming or for wildlife to be consuming.

"Sickness is certainly not something that is out of the question.

"Make sure you report it, either to South West Water or the Environment Agency.

"If you have any other concerns, you could always visit Surfers Against Sewage on their website.

"I'd avoid the area myself, I have two children and I wouldn't want them swimming in it necessarily.

"It clears away fairly quickly but take care - would you want to swim in it? Probably not."

For more information on what to do if you spot sewage in the sea, click here.

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3:42pm 21st August 2017