Village News

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200401 | Letter to the Editor | Hayle Pump

Letter to the editor

Once again it was with pleasure I received my copy of the Pump, the items often bring such happy memories for me.

Hayle Railway Station for one, plus the photo, which is as I remember it. My grandfather, Thomas Drew, 32 Penpol Terrace, worked for G.W.R. as a horse porter and his two Shire horses were stabled adjacent to the station. His back garden adjoined the lane that gave access to the station yard. He worked with his horses on Hayle wharves, another article in the Pump, there is a photo of him with his horses in the book of ‘Hayle Tales and Trails’ on North Quay. Also my uncle, Reg Drew often worked as a driver of one of the Pannier tank engines out of the Long Rock depot at Penzance on the wharf line. Another horse stabled in the station yard was used as a parcel delivery service, the vehicle driver, a Mr Polkinghorne, possibly a relative of your current Mayor?

Once again many thanks for the Pump and the memories brought back to me especially Hayle in the 1930/40s.

V.B. Drew
13 Camarthen Drive
CF38 1HY