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171207 | Boundary Review Update | Hayle Town Council minutes

d) Boundary Review Update

The clerk distributed a map of the area with the proposed divisions as a summary of ideas from Councillor Pollard and what had been agreed at a recent informal meeting of the town council (see Appendix D).

[9.00pm Councillor Channon left the meeting.]

Miss Giggal explained the figures and how they would work for the Boundary Review. She reported that Vanessa Luckwell, Community Link Officer, Hayle and St Ives Community Network Area, had said that St Erth Parish Council (SEPC) did not want to lose any numbers and that Gwinear/Gwithian Parish Council (GGPC) was still interested in meeting HTC and that in her opinion GGPC and SEPC would be upset by the HTC proposal. Councillors were informed that Vanessa Luckwell would report her network’s proposals to Democratic Services and it was important that HTC’s views were accurately reported to her.

It was reported that St Ives Town Council was happy with its options and did not want to cross the river to include part of Hayle.

It was agreed that HTC could not solve the problems of the divisions for the whole network area and that the council needed to set out what it wanted and it was agreed that the names of the two divisions as proposed in the clerk’s map be amended to ‘Hayle North and Gwithian’ and ‘Hayle South and Gwinear’. Despite the agreement that Hayle needed to request its preferences , it was recognised that cooperating with neighbouring parish councils was also important and it was agreed that the clerk would contact Vida Perrin, clerk to GGPC, to arrange a meeting so that HTC could explain its proposals to GGPC .

It was established that the main principles that HTC wished to see in any division of the existing divisions were
a) that the Hayle Estuary/River be the natural boundary between both of the proposed Hayle/Gwinear - Gwithian divisions and the St Ives division;
and b) that the railway line would be the boundary between ‘Hayle North and Gwithian’ and ‘Hayle South and Gwinear’. It was noted that CC would return an amended draft review for consideration by the town council before it responded to the Boundary Review Commission.

There was a short discussion regarding the nature of the divisions and whether urban and rural could/should be mixed, although it was also suggested that urban areas in Cornwall were not as urban as in other areas of the country. It was noted that in a few years’ time there would be a review of town and parish councils and their boundaries, with Hayle having a possible advantage due to the number of houses due to be built in the town before 2030. It was agreed that HTC would submit its proposal to CC following the full council meeting on 21 December 2017.