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200622 | Footpaths - help needed! | Harvey's Towans area, Hayle Cricket | John Bennett's Web Site

From John Bennett's Web Site for Hayle Town Council and Local Issues, Cornwall


There is a lot of activity around Hayle at the moment and not much attention is being given to long-used footpaths. Unfortunately, if a footpath does not appear on Cornwall Council's Definitive Map, it is not considered legitimate.

However, it is possible to register footpaths and have them added to the Definitive Map. This is a somewhat laborious process as users have to fill in a four-page form detailing when and how they have used the footpath. There has to be evidence of use for 10 years without any restriction by the land owner.

At present, there is work being done on the land to the north of the Octel building and to the south of the Cricket Club.

I would like to attempt to register some much-used footpaths in this area and I need your help.

This maps shows the existing official footpaths in red and the proposed new footpaths, A, B and C. Click here to download a larger pdf version.

If you have used any or all of these footpaths, please complete a User Form. Unfortunately, you have to complete a User Form for each footpath. However, I have pre-filled some of the data required.

Click these links to download a User Form for each footpath:

User Form Footpath A
User Form Footpath B
User Form Footpath C
Please return the form to:

John Bennett
18 Riviere Towans
Hayle, TR27 5AF

For help, call 07876152915.
Last modified: 21 June 2020



