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Last day for submissions | Community Governance Reviews

Jul 16 , 2019 - Tue - 9:00 am

We are now inviting town and parish councils, local residents and other interested persons, groups or organisations, to provide a submission for any particular changes (including no change) they want to make to the current governance arrangements.

Please use the submission form to inform us of any desired changes. Please ensure this reaches us by 17 July 2019.

The Council will consider all submissions received. In November 2019 it will publish its draft recommendations and undertake a 12 week public consultation to get feedback.

The feedback will inform the final recommendations. This is intended to be submitted by the Electoral Review Panel to Full Council for decision making in June 2020.

This timeline is intended to ensure the agreed changes can be implemented in good time so they can take effect at the 2021 local council elections.

Indicative Timetable for the Cornwall Community Governance Review 2019-2020

Terms of Reference Publish Terms of Reference and timetable for review and provide supporting datasets via the CGR website 25.03.2019
Stage 1 Initial submissions invited 26.03.2019 to 17.07.2019
Stage 2

Council considers submissions received and formulates draft recommendations

18.07.2019 to 26.11.2019
Stage 3 Draft recommendations published and comments sought through a public consultation 27.11.2019 to 10.03.2020
Stage 4 Council considers contributions received and formulates final recommendations. Consequential matters to be referred to Local Government Boundary Commission where required 11.03.2020 to June 2020
Final recommendations Electoral Review Panel makes final recommedations to Full Council. Full Council makes final decision. July 2020
Reorganisation order made Re-organisation Order made Sept 2020

In December 2018 we wrote to all town and parish councils to seek their initial views on whether a review was needed in their parish. We also attended the Cornwall Association of Local Councils conference on 16 February 2019 to talk about the process.

We have published the Terms of Reference and the timetable for the review. We have also published a range of supporting information. This has details about the current arrangements and information to help inform the review.

