Village News

Christmas Lights

March, 2023

230105 | Bid to build tourist chalet on dunes in Cornwall leads to petition signed by thousands

Over 3,000 sign a petition against development on Gwithian Towans dunes in Cornwall
View of Godrevy Islandand lighthouse and the beach and sand dunes of Gwithian Towans

Bid to build tourist chalet on dunes in Cornwall leads to petition signed by thousands

Plans to build a two-bedroom tourist chalet on the dunes - which is said to be a wildlife haven - have been lodged  read more »

230310 | Commissioner unveils plan to reopen six more police station ‘front desks’

Commissioner unveils plan to reopen six more police station ‘front desks’

10 March

SIX more police enquiry desks will be reopened across Devon and Cornwall in the next 12 months, the county’s Police and Crime Commissioner will announce today.

The next phase of Alison Hernandez’s project to reopen police enquiry offices (PEOs) will see stations reopened to the public in Devonport (Plymouth), Looe, Ilfracombe, Honiton, Okehampton and Kingsbridge in the 12 months to April 2024.  read more »

Police Commissioner - older

Older information on Police Commissioner

230118 | Cornwall MP George Eustice under fire for 'stay-at-home mums' gender comment

George Eustice told the Commons that overall the UK "gave away far too much for far too little in return".

Cornwall MP George Eustice under fire for 'stay-at-home mums' gender comment

Mr Eustice's comments came on the back of the Budget announcement made by the Chancellor Jeremy Hunt last week  read more »

230314 | 'Why I am reopening 17 police station front desks' - says Commissioner


'Why I am reopening 17 police station front desks' - says Commissioner

14 March

I love an opportunity to get out and meet the public we serve and front-line police officers, staff and volunteers, so was in my element on Friday and Saturday when I toured the six police stations where I have funded the reopening of police enquiry offices.

'Why I am reopening 17 police station front desks' - says Commissioner  read more »