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It was noted that the town council had made its position clear regarding the proposed boundary
changes for Hayle and had relayed this position to CC’s Matt Stokes, who had agreed with it,
although it had been rejected by CC in favour of the preferred option of Gwinear-Gwithian
Parish Council, which had campaigned well and engaged Connor Downs residents to lobby for
it. It was also noted that this was because the parish council had far fewer issues to work on
than HTC. It was also pointed out that at the boundary changes presentation at County Hall,
Hayle Town Councillors had been told that they would get the boundary changes according to
HTC’s favoured option and for this reason the town council had not engaged more with the

It was agreed that the town council should continue to pursue its chosen option and that the
residents of Hayle should be made aware of it and encouraged to write to CC and the Local
Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) in favour of it. Town councillors
were asked to write individually, if they had not already done so.

Councillor Pollard said that he would speak at the debate and vote against CC’s
recommendations at CC’s boundary review meeting on Tuesday the following week.

Councillors discussed how they could make Hayle residents aware of the issue and get their
support. It was noted that the issue had been placed on the town council’s website and
Facebook page during the last round of consultation. Councillor Roden offered to draft
campaign material for publication on the town council’s Facebook and website.

It was also noted that these boundary changes proposed for CC could also be the forerunner of
the future of the town and parish council boundaries.

It was resolved that Hayle Town Council continues to support the option it has already
submitted to CC and LGBCE (on 16/2/18) as follows:

“Two divisions be created based on a north/south divide following the railway line until it
crosses the A30 and then north along the bypass and then up the old A30, thus creating ‘Hayle
North and Gwithian', a division based on Gwithian with part of Hayle, and 'Hayle South and
Gwinear', Gwinear plus part of Hayle. The anticipated electorates are 5580 for the Hayle North
division and 5429 for the Hayle South division. This is based on the anticipated
additional electorate in polling district CHS3 being included in the south division electorate
and 154 electors from the CHS1 polling district being included in the north division.

The proposal reflects the existing position of Hayle North and Hayle South and the fact that
Gwinear-Gwithian is already divided into two distinct (and in many ways functionally
separate) wards. The town council proposes building upon that existing situation and utilising
the geographic, physical and community divisions that already exist. By using the railway line
(which already largely divides the two Hayle divisions) and the old A30, which largely divides
the two parts of Gwinear-Gwithian, we can a) establish two fairly equal divisions; b) create
two practical areas that a member can represent; c) sustain community cohesion; d) not require

the very large and impractical 'rural' division of the proposal which creates a large rural crescent
surrounding a small urban centre; e) facilitate any future Governance review as the two existing
parishes are maintained; and f) makes the split easy to deliver and easy to understand compared
to the existing (as at 5/7/18) proposal from Cornwall Council officers.

Both Hayle Town and Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Council are already divided into wards on a
North/South axis. By taking one half of Gwinear-Gwithian and one half of Hayle to create
two divisions is logical with a fair mix of country and town and creates divisions of a size that
makes representation easy. It is fair and equitable to both councils. This proposal maintains the
integrity of Parish Boundaries and this will assist any future Governance review. There is no
threat to either the Parish or the Town from this proposal. Using the
Railway Line and the old A30 road as the divider makes it very clear who is where: it works
extremely well in Hayle, where if you live on one side of the Railway Line you are in one
division – the other side, the other. It is clear, practical and sensible and no one on either side
doubts that they live in Hayle or are represented by Hayle Town Council.

Hayle Town Council's preferred names for these divisions are Hayle North and Gwithian and
Hayle South and Gwinear.”

It was resolved to form a working party comprising Councillors Blakeley, Coad, Farrar,
Polkinghorne, Pollard and Roden and anyone else who wanted to get involved.
It was resolved to carry out a concerted public campaign regarding the town council’s growing
concern about the proposed boundary changes as follows:

a) Councillor Roden to draft a press release for distribution to the local press, the Hayle
Pump Newsletter and to the Hayle Business Breakfast Group;
b) Councillor Coad, with the draft press release, to post the issue on social media such
as Hayle-relevant Facebook pages;
c) To take a stall at the Hayle Celebration Day event at the Recreation Ground on 22
July to publicise the issue; and
d) To arrange a public meeting led by the mayor to explain to the public that Hayle
Town Council is at risk and to ask the people of Hayle do something about it.

It was resolved to write to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England to
explain the town council’s concerns regarding the option that it proposes. (Councillor Pollard
to work with the clerk to draft the correspondence.)

It was noted that there was a public meeting regarding the proposed boundary changes for all
divisions in Cornwall at County Hall on 13 July.


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