Village News

Christmas Lights

PA18/03948 | Proposed office with associated parking and landscaping. | Land Off Marsh Lane Marsh Lane Industrial Park Hayle TR2

For Aspect Holidays

Creation of access including land drains - Land South Of Nanpusker Road Nanpusker Road Angarrack Cornwall

Ref. No: PA17/02419 | Received date: Mon 13 Mar 2017 | Status: Pending Consideration | Case Type: Planning Application


Date Published Document Type Measure Drawing Number Description View
26 Apr 2018 Plan - Proposed Floor Measure Document 1727 3 0101F FLOOR PLANS PROPOSED View Document
26 Apr 2018 Plan - Site Sections Measure Document 1727 3 0203B SECTIONS View Document
26 Apr 2018 Plan - Proposed Elevations Measure Document 1727 3 0301B SOUTH WEST AND NORTH EAST ELEVATIONS View Document
26 Apr 2018 Plan - Proposed Elevations Measure Document 1727 3 0302C SOUTH EAST AND NORTH WEST ELEVATIONS View Document
26 Apr 2018 Plan - Other Measure Document 1727 3 0501C VISUALISATIONS - EAST PERSPECTIVE View Document
26 Apr 2018 Plan - Other Measure Document 1727 3 0502D VISUALISATIONS - SOUTH PERSPECTIVE View Document
26 Apr 2018 Plan - Other Measure Document 1727 3 0503B VISUALISATIONS - NORTH PERSPECTIVE View Document
26 Apr 2018 Plan - Proposed Floor Measure Document 1727 3 0505B VISUALISATIONS - GROUND FLOOR View Document
26 Apr 2018 Plan - Proposed Floor Measure Document 1727 3 0506B VISUALISATIONS - FIRST FLOOR View Document
26 Apr 2018 Plan - Proposed Elevations Measure Document 1727 3 0507B VISUALISATIONS - ENTRANCE PERSPECTIVE View Document
26 Apr 2018 Plan - Other Measure Document 1727 3 0512 VISUALISATION - REALISTIC VISUALISATION View Document
26 Apr 2018 Plan - Site and Block Measure Document 1727 3 0002A SITE BLOCK PLAN View Document
26 Apr 2018 Statement - Design and Access Cannot Measure Document   DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT NJ 180416 View Document
26 Apr 2018 Assessment - Flood Risk Cannot Measure Document   FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT View Document
26 Apr 2018 Landscaping Details Measure Document M360.ASPECTS_LS_001 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT View Document
26 Apr 2018 Landscaping Details Measure Document M360.ASPECTS_LS_002 HARD WORK_25-4-18 View Document
26 Apr 2018 Landscaping Details Measure Document M360.ASPECTS_LS_003 SOFT WORKS_25-4-18 View Document
26 Apr 2018 Landscaping Details Measure Document M360.ASPECTS_LS_004 DETAILS_25-4-18 View Document
26 Apr 2018 Landscaping Details Measure Document M360.ASPECTS_LS_ MATERIALS_PLANTING_25-4-18 View Document
26 Apr 2018 Plan - Existing Block Measure Document 1727 3 0006 SITE PLAN EXISTING View Document
26 Apr 2018 Plan - Proposed Block Measure Document 1727 3 0007B SITE PLAN PROPOSED View Document
26 Apr 2018 Plan - Site Location Measure Document 1727 3 0001A SITE LOCATION PLAN View Document
26 Apr 2018 Assessment - Land Contamination Cannot Measure Document   GROUND INVESTIGATION REPORT View Document
26 Apr 2018 Assessment - Land Contamination Cannot Measure Document   PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION REPORT PART2 View Document
26 Apr 2018 Application Form Cannot Measure Document   APPLICATIONFORMNOPERSONALDATA View Document
26 Apr 2018 Assessment - Land Contamination Cannot Measure Document   PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION REPORT PART1 View Document

PA18_03948 17160 Rivers and Flood Zones 2 and 3
PA18_03948 17160 1 in 1000 yr SW flood