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200922 | Boris Johnson’s Covid-19 statement expected to reverse the “back to offices” demands of Cornwall’s MPs of only two week

Boris Johnson’s Covid-19 statement expected to reverse the “back to offices” demands of Cornwall’s MPs of only two weeks ago

Posted By theboss on 22nd September 2020

By Graham Smith

The Prime Minister’s statement on Covid-19 today (Tuesday) is expected to contain another big Covid-19 U-turn – telling people to work from home, if they can, rather than commute to offices.

Boris Johnson’s statement, expected around lunchtime today, will reverse the advice he gave only two weeks ago.

Mr Johnson had previously said he wanted 80% of civil servants and council workers to return to their offices – but is today expected to say that working from home, where possible, is much safer.

The Prime Minister has been forced to accept scientific advice that indoor workplace settings can be a breeding ground for the virus unless strict social distancing rules are observed constantly.

On 7th September, Cornwall’s six MPs echoed the sentiments of their leaders and released a public letter addressed to Cornwall Council chief executive Kate Kennally, urging her to order her staff back to their offices. “The country is reopening and lockdown restrictions continue to ease, school pupils are returning and workers are being encouraged to return to their places of work,” said the letter, calling on County Hall “to set an example.”

Only 15 days later, the number of new Covid-19 cases is rising fast and scientists are demanding a much more dynamic response from the government.

The Prime Minister's statement comes on the day that Cornwall Council is due to debate a motion which would allow councillors to return to County Hall for "hybrid" meetings, allowing those councillors who wish to take part remotely to do so but also creating conditions for democracy and executive scrutiny similar to those which apply in the Houses of Parliament.

The thoughts of Cornwall's MPs, only 15 days ago, are expected to be hurled into another government U-turn today




Via Cornwall Reports

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