Village News

Christmas Lights

200630 | Mobile Libraries begin by offering a "click and collect" service and "staff selection"

Current government guidance says that libraries can start reopening from July 4th and we are planning to have our mobile libraries out and about from Tuesday 7th July.
Our services need to be adapted to pandemic conditions and it is important that we provide a safe service, therefore we will not be able to allow customers on board the mobile library to browse, instead books will be returned/issued at the door, observing the current social distancing measures.
We will begin by offering a "click and collect" service - you order books for collection using the online catalogue and collect when we visit. Please note that some books may take a while to arrive if someone else has borrowed them so please allow for this when you place your reservations.
We are also offering a "staff selection" whereby you tell us your favourite genre in advance and staff will issue a selection of books based on your preference, so that you can take away some books even if the items that you have reserved do not arrive in time for your scheduled stop or if you are unable to place your reservations online.
Please see the attached schedules, to check the day/date and time of your nearest mobile library stop, which may be slightly different than our usual timetables and are subject to change/cancellation in line with government guidance so please keep checking the website for any updates and pass this information on to anyone you know that may not be able to access the internet - thank you.
We look forward to seeing you but if you need any help or more information please let me know.
Kind Regards
Jo Zimber
Community Library Information Assistant (East Area)
Neighbourhoods (Library and Information Services)
Neighbourhoods & Public Protection
Cornwall Council


via email

Angarrack – Inn Car Park 16:25-16:45 | FRIDAY WEST MOBILE FROM FRI 10TH JULY