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191024 Approved with conditions | PA19/06344 | Construction of proposed industrial building. | Land SE Of Unit 24 Marsh Lane


Date Published Document Type Measure Drawing Number Description View
  25 Oct 2019 Officer Report Cannot Measure Document  DREPORT DELEGATED OFFICER REPORT View Document
  25 Oct 2019 Decision Notice Cannot Measure Document  ACFULZ - CONDITIONAL APPROVAL



1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of    3 years from the date of    this permission.
Reason:  In accordance with the requirements of    Section 91 of    the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of    the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004).

2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in    accordance with the plans listed below under the heading "Plans Referred to in    Consideration of this Application".
Reason:   For the avoidance of    doubt and in    the interests of    proper planning.

3 Prior to the first occupation of    the development hereby permitted, the installation of a system for the disposal of    surface water on the site shall be completed in accordance with details which shall first have been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority.  The details shall include a programmefor maintaining the system.  The system shall be retained and maintained thereafter in    accordance with the approved details.
Reason: To avoid flooding and in    the interests of water quality, and in accordance with the aims and intentions of    Policy 26 of    the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010 -  2030 and paragraph 163 of    the National Planning Policy Framework 2019.




Balance of Considerations:

Outline planning permission was granted on 30 March 1990 for the development of a
business park off Marsh Lane in Hayle (ref: W1/89/P/1018). The approved site
includes the vast majority of the application site in the current application. Due to the
absence of electronic documentation, it has not been possible to establish whether
reserved matters were submitted and approved for the application site under this
outline permission. Either way, it is likely that any subsequent approvals have lapsed
and therefore the application will be assessed on its merits.

Policy SD1 of the Hayle Neighbourhood Plan 2014 - 2030 (HNP) advises that the
principle of development is supported in the built-up area boundaries, defined in Map
3. It also advises that the built-up area represents the preferred location for new,
small-scale development sites. The application site falls outside of the Hayle Industrial
Park boundary; however, this appears to have been an oversight of the Town Council
as they have raised no objection to the proposal, seeing the site as a natural
extension to the existing industrial site.

Whilst there is nonetheless conflict with the HNP, it is agreed that the site represents
a logical extension of the industrial park, and policy support is provided in policies 3
and 5 of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010 - 2030 (CLP). To elaborate,
Policy 3 advises that new employment developments in Hayle should also be managed
through a Site Allocations DPD, with the Cornwall Site Allocations Development Plan
Document including the site within allocation H-E1 (B1, B2 and B8 uses).
Furthermore, Policy 5 advises that proposals for new employment uses should be
well-integrated with the city, towns and villages of Cornwall.

A new, small-scale, industrial development of the site is therefore considered to be

It is proposed to erect a single, industrial-style building along the south-eastern
boundary of the site. The building would cover a rectangular footprint of 258 square
metres, and would have walls constructed of blockwork and coated steel, with the
latter material also being used to cover the pitched roof. The design and scale of the
building would be broadly similar to many other buildings in the Industrial Park and is
therefore considered to be acceptable. Furthermore, owing to the presence of steeplyrising
land to the south of the site, it would not have an adverse visual impact upon
the surrounding countryside to this aspect.

A suitable parking and turning area would be provided to the north-eastern elevation
of the proposed building, with the land to the north-west understood to be used in
conjunction with the use of the building.

Finally, in light of the Cabinet unanimously approving the Council's plan to tackle the
climate emergency and help Cornwall cut its carbon footprint, it is necessary to
consider the climate change implications of the proposed development. It is intended
to proceed with a Climate Change Development Plan Document, which is intended to
focus on renewable energy provision, energy efficiency and carbon sequestration. At

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present, the proposal would need to comply with Part L of the Building Regulations
requirements and thereby address climate change and achieve sustainable

The proposed development would deliver an additional industrial unit to an established
Industrial Park in Hayle, on a site allocated for business/industrial development in the
Cornwall Site Allocations DPD. Furthermore, the site would be accessible other than by
private modes of transport. With that in mind, it is considered that the proposal would
have some, albeit relatively minor, climate change implications.

Response to representations:
None received.

Taking these factors into account, it is considered that the proposal is acceptable on
balance, subject to conditions. All other matters raised have been taken into account,
including the planning history and the comments of the Town Council, but none are of
such significance as to outweigh the considerations that have led to the conclusion.
The CIL rate for this type of development, specifically industrial development, is zero
and therefore no CIL is payable.


