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Written Scheme of Investigation for Archaeological Mitigation | Wessex Archaeology


2.1.1 The following archaeological background is largely drawn from the archaeological
deskbased assessment prepared by CgMs Ltd for the site in 2014 (CgMs 2014) and the Cornwall
and Scilly Historic Environment Record (HER). An updated HER search was undertaken in
July 2019

2.1.2 The site contains a single HER entry, relating to the former Hayle Railway which crosses
the site (MCO27834). The railway was opened as a mineral line in December 1837 between
Hayle and Portreath, and by 1838 the line reached Redruth, and the copper mines at
Tresavean and Lanner. The line was constructed to enable the transportation of copper and
tin to the port at Hayle, though by 1843 the line began conveying passengers, connecting
through to Bristol and London. The line had been abandoned by 1907, though was put back
into service during the First World War to serve the National Explosives works in Hayle
Towans, which closed in 1922.The line is significant for its historic interest, and to a lesser
degree its archaeological interest, being illustrative of a significant period of local history,
relating to the mining industry and early railway development. No impacts to the former
railway line are expected from the proposed development.

2.1.3 A ‘bankout’ is also recorded within the south of the site, recorded from aerial photography.
It is not clear what the feature comprises, but from its positioning it most likely related to an
access road for a former sewage works within the site, shown on historic mapping. It is
therefore unlikely to be of any significance. This will be confirmed during the works within
the site.

2.1.4 The site contains no recorded remains of Prehistoric or Roman date. A possible Iron
Age/Romano-British round (MCO7821) is recorded c.120 m east of the Site, with a further
possible round at Carthew, c.530 m north-east of the Site. In addition, an undated subrectangular
univallate enclosure (MCO34037) is recorded c.465 m north of the Site, and a
tumulus is shown on Ordnance Survey mapping c.560 m north-east of the Site. Further
possible prehistoric remains within the landscape include a Bronze Age barrow documented
from aerial photographs c.800 m east of the site (MCO34032/MCO02041).

2.1.5 Roman coins have been identified in the local area, including a hoard 780 m south-east of
the study site.

2.1.6 The geophysical survey conducted by Substrata in 2011 c.85 m north of the site identified
a series of possible linear features, which may represent enclosures or boundaries
predating the current land management (Substrata 2011). The date of these features is
unclear, and it is not clear whether similar features extend into the Site. This will be
confirmed during the works.

2.1.7 No remains of Saxon or Medieval date are recorded within the site. An early medieval
clapper bridge is recorded c.70 m north of the site on the HER (MCO9617), and a number
of scheduled early Christian memorial stones are documented from the Phillack Churchyard
c.700 m west of the Site.

2.1.8 Two medieval entries are documented c.150 m south-east of the site to the east: the bridge
at Mellanvrane (MCO9628) and the settlement of Angarrack (MCO13276). The settlement
is first recorded in 1335. The area of the Site to be assessed is well removed from the
historic settlement and is likely to have comprised unenclosed common or agricultural
hinterland during the Medieval period. In addition, the geophysical survey undertaken
approximately 85 m north of the Site identified a number of linear anomalies characteristic
of Cornish field banks; suggesting possible Medieval activity (Substrata 2011). Other


Medieval remains within the surrounding area are situated within Hayle, c.500 m west of
the Site, and have little bearing upon its archaeological potential.

2.1.9 The historic map review exercise conducted as part of the archaeological DBA by CgMs
(CgMs 2014) shows that the site remained in agricultural use through much of the
postmedieval to modern period, excepting the construction of the Hayle Railway in 1837. The
large number of post-medieval to modern HER entries within the Study Area generally have
well defined extents and do not meaningfully contribute to an understanding of the Site’s
archaeological potential.


7.1.1 In line with its charitable aims, Wessex Archaeology will, where possible and in consultation
with the client, seek opportunities to disseminate the results of the watching brief and
engage with the local community through social media, press releases, open days and
volunteer involvement, while taking into account issues such as Health & Safety,
confidentiality and vandalism.



