Village News

Christmas Lights

W1/09-0173 | Retention of dwelling & construction of additional dwelling Head No(s): 87336 | Adj To Railway Viaduct Riverside La




Alternative Reference  
Application Validated

Mon 23 Mar 2009


Adj To Railway Viaduct Riverside Lane Angarrack


Retention of dwelling & construction of additional dwelling
Head No(s): 87336




Approved with conditions

Decision Issued Date

Tue 02 Jun 2009

Appeal Status


Appeal Decision  

There are 10 documents associated with this application.

There are 0 cases associated with this application.

There is 1 property associated with this application.



Date Published Document Type Measure Drawing Number Description View
21 Apr 2015 Plan - (historical data) Measure Document     View Document
21 Apr 2015 Plan - (historical data) Measure Document     View Document
21 Apr 2015 Plan - (historical data) Measure Document     View Document
21 Apr 2015 Plan - (historical data) Measure Document     View Document
31 Mar 2015 Plan - (historical data) Measure Document     View Document
31 Mar 2015 Plan - (historical data) Measure Document     View Document
31 Mar 2015 Application Documents Cannot Measure Document     View Document
31 Mar 2015 Plan - (historical data) Measure Document     View Document
31 Mar 2015 Plan - (historical data) Measure Document     View Document
31 Mar 2015 Plan - (historical data) Measure Document     View Document


Line of protective tree fencing
Site Arrangement
Drawing 2a Typical mini pile
Road and Parking levels
Hard and Soft Landscaping Details
Hard and Soft Landscaping Details ii
Appeal page 1
Appeal page 2
Appeal page 3
Appeal page 4
Appeal page 5
Appeal page 6
Appeal page 7
Permission letter page 1
Permission letter page 2
Permission page 1
Permission page 2
Permission page 3
Officers Report page 1
Officers Report page 2
Officers Report page 3
Officers Report page 4
Officers Report page 5
Photos 1
Photos 2
Photos 3