Village News

Christmas Lights

141024 | PA14/03661/PREAPP Construction of single storey/dorma style 3/4 bed dwelling in grounds of our house. Grounds sit 3m lo

Construction of a single storey/dorma style 3/4 bed dwelling in the grounds of our house. The Grounds referred to sit 3m lower than our house. - 30 Steamers Hill Angarrack Hayle Cornwall TR27 5JB

Ref. No: PA14/03661/PREAPP | Received date: Thu 23 Oct 2014 | Status: Pending Consideration | Case Type: Application


Reference: PA14/03661/PREAPP
Alternative Reference: n/a
Application Received: 23 Oct 2014
Address: 30 Steamers Hill Angarrack Hayle Cornwall TR27 5JB
Proposal: Construction of a single storey/dorma style 3/4 bed dwelling in the grounds of our house. The Grounds referred to sit 3m lower than our house.
Status: Pending Consideration
Appeal Status:

Application Type: Pre-Application Publicly Available
Expected Decision Level:
Case Officer: Steve Diment
Parish: Hayle
Ward: Hayle South
District Reference:
Applicant Name: Mr And Mrs M Williams
Applicant Address: 30 Steamers Hill Angarrack Hayle Cornwall TR27 5JB
Environmental Assessment Requested: No
Case Number :PA14/03661/PREAPP

Name or DetailReceived Date
Pre-application advice form23/10/2014
Name or DetailReceived Date


PA14/03661/PREAPP plan 500 scale