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PA13/00555 | Pre-application query regarding erection of 2 dwellings - Land At Steamers Meadow Angarrack Hayle Cornwall TR27 5GY

Pre-application query regarding erection of 2 dwellings - Land At Steamers Meadow Angarrack Hayle Cornwall TR27 5GY

Ref. No: PA13/00555/PREAPP | Received date: Tue 19 Feb 2013 | Status: Pending Consideration | Case Type: Application

Town Planning Consultants
Stephen Payne Planning Ltd: 43 Lemon Street Truro Cornwall TR1 2NS
t: 01872 222285 f: 01872 275478 e:
Land at Steamers Meadow, Grist Lane, Angarrack, Hayle, Cornwall – Proposed erection of two dwellings – for Mr E Ward – Pre-application consultation with Cornwall Council (West) – DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT
1. This pre-application consultation comprises and is accompanied by:-
 Pre-application advice form;
 Description of Development;
 Site location plan – scale 1:2500;
 Drawing no 06170:17 – floor plans and site plan – scheme A;
 Drawing no 06170:17 – floor plans and site plan - scheme B;
 Drawing no 06170:18 – proposed elevations;
 Cheque for £240, inc VAT, in respect of the Council’s fee.
2. The pre-application site, together with adjoining land, has a significant planning history. Full planning permission was granted on 12 July 1993 for the construction of a dwelling on land described as plot 1, Grist Lane (ref: 1/93/P/0321/F): contemporaneously, planning permission was granted for the construction of two dwellings on land described as plots 2 and 3 Grist Lane (ref: 1/93/P/0322/F). Plot 1 was then subject of a further permission, for the erection of a timber dwelling, granted on 13 April 1995 (ref: 1/95/P/0150/F), which was subsequently implemented. In respect of plot 3, a subsequent permission was granted for a dwelling of alternative design on 12 July 1996 (ref: 1/96/P/0378/F), which has been implemented.
3. No dwelling has thus far been completed on plot 2, the land which is now the subject of this pre-application consultation. It has however been conclusively confirmed by the issue of a Certificate of Lawfulness for Existing Use or Development on 22 October 2010 (ref: PA10/03349) that the permission granted under reference 1/93/P/0322/F was lawfully commenced and therefore remains extant.
4. The site area of Plot 2 is substantial and could readily accommodate two dwellings in a manner which would be consistent with the character of the area and appropriate in all material respects. Alternative schemes have been prepared (A and B) which, respectively, show the dwellings physically linked and separated. The owner’s preference in terms of form and design is in respect of pole houses, similar in concept and appearance to that constructed on plot 1.
5. In the circumstances, having regard in particular to the extant permission for the erection of a dwelling on the land, the purposes of this pre-application consultation are as follows:-
 To determine that, in principle, the site forms part of the built-up area of Angarrack: it will be noted in that respect, and hence the request for a site meeting, that the site and the land beyond (in the same ownership) have been extensively landscaped and, therefore, have the appearance of part of the built-up area rather than of the countryside;
 To determine the extent of land that should reasonably comprise the site area for the purposes of an application for planning permission;
 To determine that, notwithstanding policy H-6 of the Penwith Local Plan, the site is suitable for the erection of two dwellings on the policy basis, in particular, of the NPPF. It is to be emphasised in this respect that the measure of sustainable development in the NPPF does not incorporate any quantitative means by which to determine the suitability of site locations for housing development. Policy H-6 is therefore in conflict with the NPPF and should be disregarded: moreover, the
site already benefits from permission for the erection of a single dwelling, which confirms its suitability to accommodate housing development in terms of its location;
 To determine which of the two sketch schemes, A or B, is appropriate or, if neither, what other options might exist; and
 To determine that the design approach, including external materials, is appropriate in this context.
6. The application for planning permission to be submitted in due course will be accompanied by a Design and Access Statement prepared in accordance with advice contained in paragraphs 56 and 80 thro 104 Circular 1/2006 in respect of ‘What is Required in a Design and Access statement’, and in accordance also with guidance contained in the publication by the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) entitled ‘Design and Access Statements’. The application will also be accompanied by a Planning Policy Assessment in respect of all relevant national and local planning policies, including the development plan.
7. It is intended that the application for planning permission will, in addition to the plans and documents referred to above, be accompanied by the following:-
o Phase I desktop contamination report, including non-interpretive report;
o Sensitive development questionnaire; and
o Flood Risk Assessment (noting that the site lies within flood zone 3A).
8. Consideration of the above issues will most effectively and conclusively be carried out at a meeting, followed or preceded by a site inspection: consequently, it is the prospective applicant’s request that suitable arrangements be made at the earliest opportunity.